Unser vielfältiges Linkangebot umfasst sämtliche behindertenspezifischen Interessensgebiete und wird – wie alle unsere Bemühungen – stets den aktuellen Bedürfnissen angepasst. Anregungen und Kritiken sind immer gerne willkommen.

  1800 News

Abilities - Advancing technology to meet challenges faced by people with disabilities

  AbilityHub is an Assistive Technology related web site for people with a disability who find operating a computer difficult, maybe even impossible. AbilityHub is a firm starting point for finding information concerning Assistive Technology.
The Able Informer Disabilities Newsletter
  The Academy for Educational Development is an independent, nonprofit service organization committed to addressing human development needs in the United States and throughout the world.
Accent on Living Magazine Providing valuable information about quality products and services available to individuals with disabilities and Healthcare professionals.
  Access/Media - Disability Access Consultants

Accreditation Council develops and measures quality indicators and standards for services for people with disabilities.

  AJN, American Journal of Nursing
Alaska Welcomes You Wheelchair accessible natural heritage and history Alaskan Getaways.
  Alberta Committee of Citizens with Disabilities - consumer driven provincial organization of persons within the cross-disability community.
Allied Healthweek
  American Association of People with Disabilities non-profit cross-disability organization whose goals are: unity, leadership & impact.
American Association on Mental Retardation interdisciplinary organization of professionals and others concerned about mental retardation and related disabilities.
  American Disability Association
The Americans with Disabilities Act Document Center
  America's War on the Disabled: 1975-1992: A Personal Account - order a copy or view for free online.
American Society for Action on Pain (ASAP) - organization of patients suffering from chronic pain, their families, the physicians who treat them, and other interested citizens.
  Antgua and Barbuda Association of Persons with Disabilities CARRIBEAN
Apple’s Commitment to Accessibility
  The Arc, a national organization on mental retardation
The Archimedes Project - improve access to information for individuals with disabilities by influencing the early design stages of tomorrow's technology.
Ascot World - For Amputees and Their Friends - an amputee self help group and social club, operated by Mrs. Jama Bennett a female amputee and social worker, bringing amputees and their friends together.
Audio Description Home Page
  Audio System for Technical Readings
AUSTRALIA: Office of Disability - provides a link for people with disabilities to express their views and ideas to the government in Australia.
  AUDIES Association for the Deaf ITALY
Barnod Inc. CARRIBEAN memberships comprised of blind people, wheelchair users, and people with hidden, mental, and physical disabilities. Located in Barbados.
  Blind Childrens Center
Blind Links
  Braillnet Plus CZECH REPUBLIC
British Computer Association of the Blind
  CALL (Communication Aids for Language and Learning) Centre

CAL-TASH California Chapter of The Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps.

  California Center on Lifeplanning provides life and estate planning for caregivers of persons with disabilities. Provides informational seminars to support groups at no cost.
Canadian Learning Disabilities Association - The LDAC is a national, non-profit voluntary organization which was founded in 1963 and incorporated in 1971. It is dedicated to advance the education, employment, social development, legal rights and general well-being of people with learning disabilities.
The Center for Independent Living
  Central Institute for the Deaf
Center for Health Care Access (CHCA) purpose is to insure health and mental health care facilities and services are accessible to people who are deaf, hard of hearing and deaf-blind.

Cerebral Palsy and Deaf Organization sharing stories and news about cerebral palsy and deafness with others.

Challenge New Mexico offers services and support to people who are physically or mentally challenged, enhancing their ability function as valued contributing members of their community.
Information on volunteer opportunities.
  Chileda Habilitation Insitute treatment center and care program for children and young adults who exhibit severe mental disabilities.
Closing The Gap
  College and Career Programs for Deaf Students
new Computer and Software Accessibility for the Disabled
by Lisa Richards, Educational Outreach Writer
Computing Centre for People with Disabilities at University of Westminster
Council of Canadians with Disabilities
  Crosspoint Anti Racism
Crotched Mountain Foundation provides education, rehabilitation, housing, and managed care for children, adolescents, and adults with severe physical and developmental challenges. Be sure to check out our student art gallery.
Deaf Magzine
  DEAF Magazine
Deaf Resource Library by Karen NAKAMURA @ Yale University
  Deaf Watch Newsletter
Deaf World Web
  Define Normal/The Gimp Physically challenged'' is patronizing. ''Disabled'' and ''handicapped'' have too many syllables. Step (or wheel) inside and learn the Way of the Gimp.
DES - NET.COM Disability - Equipment & Services Network
  Disabilities Access - Online information service for people with disabilities and their careers.
Disabilities And Computing Program at University of California, Los Angeles
Disabilities Forum - Western New York Disabilities Forum provides access to a wide variety of disabilty related news, information, and resources.
  disABILITY Resources on the Internet
Disability Solutions Page This page allows for the discussion of problems related to people with disabilities in an attempt to find solutions. Contains related links.
Disabled American Veterans serving disabled veterans, their families and survivors.
  Disabled Businesspersons Association global support service for disabled entrepreneurs.
Disabled Peoples' International
  Disabled Peoples' International - ITALY
Disabled Peoples' International (Publications)
  Disabled Students of Stanford
DO-IT: at the University of Washington / Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking & Technology
  Don Johnston, Inc.
Down Syndrome WWW Page
  DragonDictate  A very useful resource on speech recognition systems. Includes details of connecting a PC running DragonDictate to a workstation running X-Windows for voice control using a public domain software package called a2x and a FAQ section on Dragon and other speech input systems.
Duxbury Systems
new Easyclimber - How To Choose A Stair Lift
  EASI Home Page: Equal Access To Software And Information
EASI News For You (EASI's Newsletter)
  Easter Seals

ELA Foundation founded to improve policies and public opinion concerning persons with disabilities so that they may live productive, healthy, and happy lives.

  Elwyn, Inc. international non-profit human services organization serving people with mental and physical disabilities.

Emacspeak --A Speech Output Subsystem For Emacs


Eye Access A product which helps handicapped people to pilot a personnal computer.

Flying wheelchairs THAILAND
  Forgotten Kids - Forgotten_kids: the children that have nearly invisible disabilities.. They have their arms and legs, can see and hear, run, play, etc., but most have never been to a Birthday party or a sleepover.. they are last to be chosen to play, and first to be blamed. Their illnesses aren't fatal, but a small part of their hearts and souls die with every rejection. Their behaviors may seem odd or unpredictable to themselves as much as society. They are overlooked, thus the name "Forgotten_Kids".
Gallaudet University
  General Info - links to other disability-related information.
Global Access - where disabled travelers from throughout the world can share their travel tips and experiences.
  Goodwill Industries INC.
Greater Lynn Mental Health
  Hadar a Foundation SWEDEN
Handitel - One of the aims of the server is to gather the information existing on the World Wide Web related to the field of disabled and elderly people.
  Health Info-Com Newsletter
  HENSA dyslexia archive, based at Kent University, Canterbury.
HomeCare Magazine
  Hope Network serving those with physical, neurological, developmental, and genetic disabilities. Also includes those with mental illness.
Hyperlexia - a pervasive developmental disorder with autistic-like symptoms, but with a strong visual ability to decode and a precocious ability to read.
  HYPERSTUDY from Kent - A free package which lecturers can use to prepare material for dyslexic (and non-dyslexic) students in electronic form.
IBM Special Needs Solution Group
  IDEAnet Home Page
Information Resources for Disabled Persons - in Japan. Also has links to info around the world. In English and Japanese.
  International Association of Dentistry for the Handicapped general informational brochure and quarterly newsletter information.
  Intellectual Disability Network
Invisible Disabilities- diseases, disorders, and disabilities that are misunderstood or aren't visible to others.
  JAPANAutism Society of Kyoto Home Page
JAPAN Developmental Disability
  Japan Broadcasting Service for the Prints Handicapped "ASSOCIATION OF CULTURE PROMOTION FOR THE VISUALLY HADICAPPED"

Japan Down Syndrome Network

  Japan Rett Syndrome Association of Utunomiva Branch
JAPAN: NHK Volunteer Net
  Jewish Blind & Disabled (JBD) formerly known as the Jewish Blind & Physically
Kent Information Federation - information for disabled people.
  Life Skills Foundation not-for-profit organization that assists people with mental retardation or other disabilities to live and work more independently in St. Louis.
LifeStream, Inc. non-profit organization providing a wide range of services for adults with disabilities.
  List of Publications (Vancouver)
Little City Foundation helping children and adults with mental retardation and other developmental challenges live meaningful and happy lives.
  Madenta Communications
Mainstream - Magazine of the Able-Disabled
  Mary Lee Foundation provides diverse programs to persons with special needs to help them become more productive and independent.
Media & Disability Interest Group of AEJMC research-oriented organization.
  Med-Sell Articles and Columns
Medsupport: Friends Supporting Friends - medical and emotional support and education for the disabled. Newsletter, bulletin board, articles. Supporting those with multiple Sclerosis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and other disabilities.
  Mephibosheth Ministry non-profit organization, developed to bring the word of God to the physically and mentally challenged communities.
Mobility International
  Mobility Outlook
Montana Disability Services Division
  Move International
My Handi-Capable Reporter
  National Center on Accessibility (NCA) dynamic and innovative leader in the movement to include people with disabilities in recreation, parks, and tourism.

National Federation of the Blind the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) is the nation's largest and most influential membership organization of blind persons. With fifty thousand members, the NFB has affiliates in all fifty states plus Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico, and over seven hundred local chapters.

  National Federation of the Blind of California
National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities NICHCY is the national information and referral center that provides information on disabilities and disability-related issues for families, educators, and other professionals. Our special focus is children and youth (birth to age 22).

National Institute on Life Planning for Persons with Disabilities information and training on matters relating to life, estate, futures, and person-centered planning.

National Organization on Disability (NOD) promotes full participation of America's 49 million persons with disabilities in all aspects of life.
  National Parent Network on Disabilities (NPND) provides a presence and national voice for families of children, youth and adults with disabilities.
National Rehabilitation Board (NRB) IRELAND- government body responsible for providing services to people with disabilities in Ireland and for advising the government and other organisations working with disabled people.
  New England INDEX we are concerned about the information needs of people with disabilities; this page contains descriptions of INDEX information and referral services.
New Mobility Magazine
  New Horizons Newsletters

NEW ZEALAND: Disabled Peoples' Association

  NIDRR Program Directory for Fiscal Year 1995 - Listings covering the latest disability and rehabilitation research funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research.
NCSA Mosaic Access Page: a resource for people with disabilities
  NU-Communication Sciences and Disorders
  Nya Parkmöllan SWEDEN en ideell förening, bildad av Handikappföreningarnas Samarbetsorganisation och Handikappidrottens Samarbetsorganisation.
One Step Ahead - The Disability Resource
  Online Mainstream: Magazine of the Able-Disabled
Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation
  Ottawa Freenet Disability Resources
Outdoor Resources for People with Disabilities - organizations, access, trails, and related resources with information on how to enjoy the outdoors and take part in recreational activities.
  PACER Center non-profit organization for families of children and adults with disabilities. The site includes newsletters, articles and legislative information.

Pandora Project - Information Technology for People with Disabilities

  Paralysis Net News - The Quest The Original Web Site for the Advancement of the Cure for Spinal Cord Paralysis

Paralyzed Veterans of America Vaughan Chapter - provides information and assistance to persons afflicted with spinal cord dysfunction.

  Pathfinder Services, Inc. nonprofit human services agency serving people with disabilities in northern Indiana.
Polio Survivors Page -- Newsletters
  Poor Richard's Publishing
Project Pursuit - 3 year NSF supported program at the U of Illinois. Its goal: encouraging students with disabilities to pursue academic and professional dreams.
  The p w Web Speak project at The Productivity Works
Reach Out Magazine!

Rehabilitation Research and Development Center (Palo Alto V.A.)

Research & Resources
  Royal National Institute for the Blind
Rural Institute
  SARAH, Inc. community service provider serving individuals with disabilities.
(SATH) press releases, event calendar, contact and membership information, online resources and more.
  Self-Help Psychology Magazine
Seaside Education Associates
  Service Alternatives - Innovative Community and Family Based services for children with autism and adults with developmental disabilities.

Sibling Support Project - resources, workshops, and connections regarding brothers and sisters of people who have disabilities, chronic illnesses, or mental health concerns.


SINGAPORE: Christian Outreach to the Handicapped

SINGAPORE:Disabled Peoples' Association
Singapore Association for the deaf The Mission of the Singapore Association for the Deaf (SADeaf) is to look after the welfare, social, recreation and educational needs of the hearing impaired in Singapore.
  Spinal Cord Injury Update Newsletter
TeamRehab Report Magazine
  Telegraph Online - originally the Disability Telegraph BBS, founded in 1987 for downloading information to Braille machines and speech synthesisers.

Texas School for the Visually Impaired


Thalidomide Victims Association of Canada

The Able Informer Disabilities Newsletter


The Electric Edge

The Disabled Outreach Journal
  Mencap is the UK's leading charity working with people with a learning disability.

The Mencap - Press Office puts you in touch with the issues affecting people with learning disabilities and their families and the latest developments at Mencap.

  The Myelin Messenger
Tips for Living With Chronic Illnesses

TOKUDA's InfoCenter

Trace Research and Development Center
  Traumatic Brain Injury Update

Tsukuba College of Technology

  TURTLE - Transport Using Rehabilitation Technologies Leads to Economic Efficiency

University Of Minnesota Disability Services

  University of Waterloo Electronic Library - Disability Issues
U.S. Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board sole mission is accessibility for individuals with disabilities.
  Vicaps a nice overview of assistive technologies and also provides trusted sources of supplemental information

Virtual Assistive Technology Center

The Virtual Hospital
  Verenae - Pictures of a kid with Down Syndrom
WebABLE by Paciallo Information Research Services
  Web Accessibility in Mind information on how to make Web content accessible to users with disabilities, including online tutorials for implementing the W3C recommendations for web accessibility
Western Amputee Golf Association
  Western Disability Network
World Association of Physically Disabled
  World Institute on Disability
WHO Home-Page
  World-Wide Web Access for Blind People

The U.S. Department of Education's World
Wide Web Server sponsored by the National Library of Education of the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI).


Job Accommodation Network
The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is an international toll-free consulting service that provides information about job accommodations and the employability of people with functional limitations. JAN also provides information regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).


FreeCare was launched in February 94, set up as a non-profit making business. Our aim is to help pay towards the cost of care required by the disabled, on holiday or any kind of excursion which is normally paid from their (our) own pockets.

Americans with Disabilities Act Document Center
This website contains copies of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), ADA regulations, technical assistance manuals prepared by the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or the United States Department of Justice(DOJ), and other technical assistance documents sponsored by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) and reviewed by EEOC or DOJ.


PURSUIT seeks to understand the causes of underrepresentation of persons with disabilities in science, engineering, and math careers and college programs and help students with disabilities and their teachers overcome obstacles.This server contains information about careers in science, engineering, and mathematics, high school preparations for these careers, disability information and education accommodation resources, access to countless other information servers, and much more!

Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation
The Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation is a non-profit organization established in 1990 for the improvement of quality of life and the empowerment of disabled youth.


The Independent Living Center of Western New York is the RERC-TET partner which coordinates the involvement of consumers with disabilities at each step of the process, to ensure that any device produced will be acceptable to the end users.

MDA Award Angers Activists
At its annual meeting in mid-May, the President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities (PCEPD) gave one of its Media Awards to the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) for contributing to "the public's awareness of the abilities and achievements of people with disabilities.


Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service
A Briefing Paper on Part H of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDE) 1986-1995.

Assistive Technology Resource Alliance
In the New Mexico Technology Deployment Pilot (NMTDP) project, Laguna Industries, Inc. the University of New Mexico's Research Institute for Assistive and Training Technologies (RIATT) , and Sandia National Laboratories are collaborating to develop and test a model for deployment of dual-use technologies from national laboratories to the commercial sector. The project focus is on products for individuals with disabilities (assistive technology).


Rehabilitation Technology Associates
RTA promotes the use of information technology to improve the services of rehabilitation organizations to people with disabilities. RTA serves a wide range of rehabilitation professionals on a national and international basis.

Project Enable File Libraries
The Project Enable/Dial-JAN BBS houses over 5000 files on the subject of disability and rehabilitation. Below is a directory listing similar to the one listed when logging onto the bulletin board itself. This list is formatted so that users can browse through the directories and receive the files directly to their PC through anonymous FTP.


Special Library Services in the UTC Lupton Library
This information is intended to help persons with disabilities become better acquainted with the access features, library services, and adaptive equipment available in the UTC Lupton Library. Completed in 1973, the Lupton Library reflects building standards which do not always accommodate the needs of disabled persons.

Canine Companions for Independence (CCI)
Canine Companions for Independence (CCI) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to serve the needs of people with disabilities by providing trained service, hearing, and social dogs, and by providing continuing support to ensure the success of the working team.


Western New York Disabilities Forum
The Western New York Disabilities Forum is dedicated to bringing you information related to physical, mental and emotional disabilities.
Persons with disabling conditions, care givers, family and friends as well as non-disabled community members are encouraged to learn about the disability issues affecting themselves and the community at large.

EASI (EQUAL ACCESS TO SOFTWARE AND INFORMATION) is an affiliate of the American Association for Higher Education. We are dedicated to disseminating up-to-date information about access to computing and information technology for persons with disabilities.


Service Alternatives for Washington, Inc.
Service Alternatives for Washington, Inc. provides quality community-based services throughout the state. Programs are defined by integrity, teamwork, and trust, serving children and adults who have recognized needs for education and support in residential and community settings.

The Dorsai Embassy
The Dorsai Embassy, Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation that provides computer hardware, software, consulting, training and communications capabilities to other not-for-profits, community service groups, youth, the disabled, and the general public.


Technology Services for Disabled (NIRE)
The NIRE is a non-profit organization providing on-site technology services to people with disabilities. We serve severely and multiply handicapped people of all ages and with all types and combinations of disabilities.

the aim of the TURTLE project is to enable consumers to have access to real time information about public transport services via local cable networks at public information terminals, and on their own television sets.


Job Path
Since 1978, Job Path, a non-profit project of the Vera Institute of Justice, has helped people with developmental disabilities move into stable jobs in the mainstream workforce.

Disabilities Helpline of Arizona
The Disabilities Helpline of Arizona is a 24 hour, statewide, helpline for people with disabilities in search of information on agencies, organizations and businesses serving the disability community.


Nemunoki Gakuen School for Handicapped Children
Education through Art at Hamaoka, Shizuoka-ken, JAPAN

THE NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY - Services to Persons with Disabilities
This Bureau exists to meet the reading needs and interests of New Hampshire residents who are physically unable to see, handle or process printed material comfortably.


Outdoor Experiences Board of Directors
Participants are invited to test their skills in archery, rifle, pistol, muzzleloader and shotgun competitions.

Better Life On-Line Catalog
Better Life On-Line Catalog provides a single point central library to locate the products and services available, for the Physically Challenged (All Disabilities). This catalog allows the viewer to access the information by vendor, product, category or disability.


Handicap Info
Handicap Info is an Internet Publishing Service for people with disabilities and anyone or anything related to it.

Full Rulle's Home Page
Norwegian sites for disabled person.


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